
The Other Party

We are nobody and everybody. We as a party do not stand on the left or the right, we stand for a change in the political system. We wish to remove politicians from politics and allow for the public to decide their own policies. In this country we have a broad based electorate who willingly show up at elections and referendums to have their say, democracy is alive and well, everywhere except the halls of Westminster.

We stand for a future where the will of the many is not put into the hands of the few in order to enact that will. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Yet as a society we demand every four years that the act changes at the circus.

We look on at the decaying tragic comedy of our political system, and rather than moving on from the circus to something more civilised, we instead cling onto the hope that the next act will bring something fresh, something we haven’t seen before... something such as truth, honesty or integrity. Yet every time the show changes, we as an audience are shocked when they bring out the exact same clowns as last time... but this time with different make up. You can put a pig in a dress, but it is still a pig... just in a dress.

The Manifesto


What’s wrong with our current political system?

It is universally agreed in the general public, whether you vote for the right or the left, that there is a huge wealth inequality problem in our society. No wonder that the very fabric of society appears to be breaking down before our eyes. The problem lies once again with politicians. Politicians have lost all relatability to the general public. What commonalities are shared between the backbenchers of Westminster and the people of Manchester, Glasgow, Belfast, Kingston, Portsmouth, Guildford, Cardiff? Few, if any at all.

The political class is completely detached from the suffering of the masses they are ruling and presiding over. How can we as a society expect to solve the problems of societal integrity, mindless vandalism or petty criminality, when those in power do not share a single commonality with any of those who are committing these offences. In the 1920s, the founder of JP Morgan, the largest bank in the world and namesake of the man himself, said that the founder or CEO of any business should not make more than 20 or 25 times the income of their lowest paid worker. Today, that income gap has surged to 250-500 times the income of the lowest-paid employees.

That level of wealth and power disparity is dangerous. It perpetuates a dehumanising “us & them” mentality from both sides. How can it not? That level of fortune vs poverty separates humanity into two species, those who “have”, and those who “have not”.

Those who find themselves in the "have not" category see the glaring injustices and often seek change. However, such sought-after change invariably poses a challenge to those in the "have" category. Few want to acknowledge that they might have had a more privileged journey, or that they've not worked hard for their wealth, and thus, they see the “have nots” as opposition fixated on redistributing their wealth and this makes them the enemy.

The problem is, even though it appears we have two differing sides representing the public in Parliament, in reality we have one ruling political class. Keir Starmer or Rishi Sunak. Andy Burnham to Liz Truss. They have two things in common, number one, loyalty to their party and number two, they are all members of the World Economic Forum and other undemocratic bodies. These bodies push policy onto sovereign democracies by controlling the politicians that we vote for. In fact, both Keir Starmer, Rishi Sunak and former prime minister Liz Truss are all members of the WEF whose official policy goals for 2030 include “You will own nothing and you will be happy.”

What is worse? If you go onto odds checker and look at every single favourite to replace Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak on both sides of the aisle, the top 3 on both sides are also attendees of the Davos World Economic Forum. That is not a democracy, that is a failure of centralising control into the hands of a corruptible few who have shown and continue to show, they will put the interests of themselves over and above the will of the public who elected them. 

How can we remove politicians from politics?

Technology. To believe that politics cannot be modernised and improved, is the same type of thinking a minority of people had in the late 1990s and early 2000s, that people couldn’t possibly get their news online, they will always read the trusted old broadsheet newspaper. At The Other Party, we are building the infrastructure to allow for the UK public to propose, vote and implement their own laws and policy, without the need for a centralised point of failure, which is our politicians.

The representatives standing for The Other Party in each constituency are purely placeholders. They are standing in order to be elected as an MP via the traditional route, only for the purpose of facilitating the transition to our direct democracy model as soon as we have a parliamentary majority in order to vote through that legislation.

These Other Party representatives once elected will be required by law to vote through the will of their local constituency. Not the party line, not the party’s politics, we have none. They will vote as their local constituency votes.

How does the technology work and how can it be trusted?

We have built our infrastructure, proposal and voting mechanism on the blockchain. Hosting our technology on the blockchain means that every single vote, every single proposal, is recorded and stamped in real time, recording the votes and storing them in a completely transparent, decentralised and permissionless way. Every vote can be counted in real time by anybody. No need for mail in voting, no pencil and paper, no disputes of results or recounts, just pure incorruptible democracy implemented from the comfort of your own home.

What is blockchain technology & why is it the best choice for democratic voting?

A blockchain is a distributed database or ledger shared among a computer network's nodes. Although associated with cryptocurrency, the blockchain has an incredible amount of use cases, from supply chain management, healthcare to personal identity security.

These benefits are all possible because blockchains can be used to make data in any industry immutable— this is the term used to describe the inability for data to be altered. Blockchain technology reduces the need for trusted third parties, which are usually auditors or other humans which are prone to corruption, that add costs and make mistakes.

On a truly decentralised blockchain, there is no way to change a block, the only trust needed is at the point where a user or program enters data. It is impossible to falsify data submitted to and stored on a decentralised blockchain.

What if biases form from the public who are using this infrastructure?

Of course like any system, results will always be affected by variables and those variables could be things such as:

Age - Any technology and its adoption will have a difficulty in use curve that steepens with the age of the intended user. However this exact curve will also be in effect for those who wish to vote in person as they grow older.

Economic background - The challenges are similar to the current system, those without homes, the means or education in order to register as a voter are non-intentionally more likely to be excluded than those from more favourable economic backgrounds.

How The Other Party differs from the traditional system is that we do not need any form of registration beyond proof of residency/domicile within the UK. We can accept ways of proving this without needing you to reveal private information or even your name, this could be with your NI number, passport chip, or ID if you were happy to provide this. The important thing is that we will not store your data, it will all be stored through our third party custodians and KYC providers.

The biggest challenge, and the one that it is up to the public to combat is political biases in policy that will present themselves on the voting platform.

As the general public we unfortunately have had our part to play in allowing the levels of corruption in the political system to spiral out of control to the levels that we see today. Who can blame us? We have been so disillusioned by politics, by the lack of any real choice of candidate for so long that we have opted out entirely. We’ve let them just get on with it rather than play their childish games... and that hasn’t helped the situation at all. In fact it has only made it worse.

It is so much easier to abdicate responsibility and give up on the whole political system than it is to get involved. It is gatekept by the powerful and even if you aspire to join a major political party, becoming a candidate for MP is out of reach unless you successfully navigate their selection committee procedures. You can be certain dissenting voices are not approved of and those who toe the party line are the candidates placed for election.

This “opt out” mentality will be the very biggest hurdle for those who wish to use our infrastructure. The beauty of decentralisation and the blockchain is that every vote is incorruptible and every decision final. The Other Party is neutral, and it is purely infrastructure, without any political stance, therefore you will find people using it from all sides of the aisle. If you find that the proposed policies lean too far to the left, choosing to 'opt out' and withhold support for the infrastructure due to disagreements on certain policies only serves to bolster and reinforce the views of your opposition. For too long, we as the public have opted out of political discussions or debates, this does nothing but make your opposition louder.

Both democracy and decentralisation are processes of slow painful moral arbitrage. If a policy passes, and you do not agree with that policy or stance then it is even more important for you to stay on the platform. If you get upset that democracy has selected something you disagree with, good. USE IT. Your passion is what determines the outcome of our direct democracy. If you believe the policy has gone too far to the right or too far to the left, then your decision to remove yourself entirely only makes the problems worse.
And guess what? With direct democracy there are no politicians to blame. What direct democracy means is that if the people make a mistake, the people feel that mistake. It is theirs to make and theirs to learn from. We as a society need to take responsibility for ourselves. We need to take the power back from a select few hundred politicians and hand that power back to the people. We will feel the benefits of our good policy, and the negatives of our bad. Most importantly, we can only blame ourselves.

If you do not like it, then you HAVE to get involved. Whoever has the strongest commitment to their policies, whoever puts in the most work in spreading the reasons why people should take your side, will see the benefits of doing so. The only way to see your policies become law, is to lead the change you wish to see. With this model we no longer need to worry about Big Pharma, Big Banking, Big Oil or anybody telling us one thing, whilst lobbying politicians to do  another. By reclaiming responsibility from politicians, we eliminate the "get out of jail free card" that corporations and elites have exploited for years, where they could bribe or lobby politicians to bypass the will of the people and advance their own interests. This era will be over.

All of lobbying, benefits and power currently taken by a minority suddenly gets spent on the public. We all share in the redistribution of wealth and power as everybody’s vote now matters. We cannot fix that humans are corruptible. We can, however, remove human corruptibility from our political system.

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